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Apr 16, 2015

What is Universal Law of Prosperity

What is Universal Law of Prosperity
The Universe created as we see today, is not created by chance. This is proved from the facts that everything in the Universe is organized.

Everything on Earth, Space happens according to Natural Law   be it a positive or negative actions or reactions or energy.Things behaves under this Law. All Law or Principles may it Scientific, Spiritual, Philosophical, works under and derive its power from this Natural Law.
All Laws known till date by scientists, philosophers, spiritual leaders or saints, scholars all knowledge gained and exposed , become possible  just because they thought in same line of Natural Law .

This law is just like a High way , a correct way, wherein you drive your vehicle and reach at your destination but making mistake on the way, either you met  obstacles or accident. You may not choose the highway , then your way is different and might reach at your destination after meeting lot of obstacles or again pick correct high way of proper road  towards  your destination.

Everything is available in our environment and in universe in micro state or atomic form and forms visible physical form after meeting a certain positions. Its another matter that  the matter is easily visible to us or requires more time or resources  to have .

Natural Law flows in the Universe  in waves just like sound waves . When our mental frequency matches with frequency of natural law , we feel or get in the form of information or knowledge. This is also proved and you too felt it when you  speak  same  words before another person going to speak. How it become possible , just because of your frequency matched with that person.

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