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Apr 19, 2015

Proteins are The Building Blocks of Our Body

Proteins are fundamental basis for building the structural components of our body, from basic building block- cells, tissues to muscles and organs. We also need proteins to keep our immune system healthy, create hormones and much more. Proteins play critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in our cells and are required for the structure, function and regulation of the cells and tissues of our body. Proteins also help in balancing blood sugar and controlling the hunger. They also help in repairing of muscles.

Why Proteins are Important to us?
Proteins make up about 15% of the mass of average person. Protein molecules are essential to us in different ways. Much of the fabric of our body is made from protein molecules. Muscle, cartilage, ligaments, skin and hair etc. all are mainly protein materials. Apart from this major structural role that hold us together, smaller protein molecules play important role in keeping our body work properly. Hemoglobin, hormones such as insulin, antibodies and enzymes are all examples of these small kind of proteins.
Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called Amino Acids. Amino acids are the building block of Proteins. They are necessary for all the body functions. This is because all the chemical reactions taking place in the body involve the amino acids.
There are 2 types of Amino Acids:

1-Essential Amino Acids: Essential Amino Acids, 9 in numbers, are called essential because our body cannot produce them, we have eat such proteins that contains these amino acids.
 Essential Amino Acids includes-
*Histidine    *Isoleucine   *Leucine    *Lysine   * Methionine   *Phenylalanine *Threonine    *Tryptophan   * Valine.
2-Non-Essential Amino Acids: Non Essential Amino Acids,11 in numbers, are called non essential because we do not need to get them from diet. Our body produce them within the body, although are also important and our body requires them for various functions.
These are-
*Alanine    *Arginine   *Aspartic Acid   *Asparagine   *Cysteine   *Glutamic Acid *Glycine   *Proline   * Serine   * Tyrosine.

Requirement of Amino Acids: Every human being must consume enough essential Amino Acids every day. If not, it could lead to muscle loss and impairment in various internal processes. Unlike Fats and Carbos, our body does not store Amino Acids, therefore it needs a daily supply of essential Amino Acids to make new tissues and muscles.

Sources of Proteins: There are both vegetarian sources as well non- vegetarian sources of Proteins. Major vegetarian sources on Proteins are Milk and milk products, Pulses, Mushrooms. Major non vegetarian sources on Proteins are Chicken, Meat, Fish and Eggs.

Proteins are most important part of Nutrition.  

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