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Oct 16, 2015

बेसिक्स ऑफ़ हैल्थ

हर इंसान अपनी जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए  और बढ़ती महगांई को क़ाबू करने में पूरी जिंदगी लगा रहता है । कब स्वास्थ्य बिगड़ा , कब बीमारियों ने घेरा -इसका पता होने तक काफी वक्त निकल जाता है।
जिन दो चीज़ो (अच्छा  स्वास्थ   और    अच्छी आमदनी )  
पर पूरी जिंदगी की बुनियाद खड़ी है उन्ही के बारे में हमें किसी स्कूल ,कालेज में नहीं पढ़ाया गया। अगर पढ़ाया तो बस एक पाठ केवल।
बाकी विषयों के पुरे पीरियड वो भी पुरे पुरे सब्जेक्ट के साथ,भले ही उनकी  हमारी जिंदगी में कोई या उतनी जरुरत नहीं है फिर भी पढ़ना होता है। यही बात हमारे बच्चों के साथ भी हो रहा है।
जब अच्छे स्वास्थ के बारे में स्कूल -कालेज में नहीं पढ़ाया जाता तो क्या माता- पिता को इनके बारे में सब कुछ मालूम है।
हमारी गलती नहीं है ये तो बस एक नाकामयाब सिस्टम का एक उदाहरण है जिसको हमारे निति नियंताओं ने बनाया है जो हमारे लिए केवल प्रतीक भर है। हमें ही अपने और अपने  परिवार के लिए जूझना है। याद करिये जब आप या आपके बच्चे की तबियत खराब हुयी थी तो तब आप कितने परेशान हुए थे। दुबारा ऐसा वक्त न आये इसके लिए आप हमेशा प्रार्थना भी करते होंगे। जरूर कीजिये ,प्रार्थना में बड़ी शक्ती होती है।
भगवान् की कृपा हमेशा बनी रहे आप पर।
क्या आप चाहेंगे स्वास्थ्य संबंधी बेसिक जानकारी जो बहुत जरूरी है और जिसके बारे मे हमें पूरा पता नहीं है। इस जानकारी से न केवल आप अपने और अपने परिवार के सम्पूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को सही रख सकते हैं बल्कि आप अपने बच्चों को सबसे अनमोल ज्ञान भी दे सकते हैं ।

अगर किसी को कोई भेंट देनी हो  तो सर्वश्रेष्ठ भेंट दे - अच्छे स्वास्थ् की।

बेसिक जानकारी जो हर व्यक्ति को होनी चाहिए-
जैसा की आप जानते हैं की हमारा शरीर बड़ा जटिल है और इसे कोई समझना नहीं चाहता न ही समझ सकता है इस प्रकार की सोच ही हमें अच्छे स्वस्थ शरीर के मालिक  बनने से रोक देती हैं ।इसको बड़े आसान तरीके से समझ सकते हैं-
हमारा शरीर हड्डी , मांस और खून से बना है पर ये तीनो चीजे भी किसी और चीज से बनी होंगी ?
हमारे शरीर में करीब 63 ट्रिलियन से 100 ट्रिलियन कोशिकाएँ है ,ये ही हमारे शरीर की सबसे छोटी इकाई है ।
कुछ खास तरीके  की कोशिकाओं  या cells से एक खास प्रकार के  ऊतक या tissue बनते हैं और इन खास टिश्यू या उतकों से कोई खास अंग या ऑर्गन बनता है। इस प्रकार बहुत से अंगों या ओर्गन्स से शरीर का सिस्टम बनता है और इसी ऑर्गन सिस्टम से शरीर बनता है।
ये अलग अलग अंग अपना अपना खास काम करते हैं ।एक अंग दूसरे अंग का काम नहीं कर सकता है और
इन अंगों को काम करने के लिए ऊर्जा चाहिए ।ये ऊर्जा या एनेर्जी  मिलती है हमें भोजन , पानी और हवा यानी ऑक्सिजन से। पर ये तीनो शुद्ध यानी बगैर मिलावट की चाहिए।

क्या आपको लगता है की तीनो चीजे शुद्ध हैं ?

तीनो चीजे अब प्रदूषित हो चुकी हैं ये अब कोई रहस्य नहीं है।
ये प्रदुषण जो हमारे भोजन ,पानी और हवा में मिला हुआ है जिसको फ्री रेडिकल या ऑक्सीडेंट के नाम से जानते हैं ,शरीर में जाकर cell को डेमेज कर देता है और कमजोर cell अपने काम अब पूरी शक्ति से नहीं कर पाता जिससे उन cell से  बना टिश्यू भी कमजोर होकर अपने अंग को भी कमजोर कर देता है।
कमजोर अंग भी अपने काम भी शक्ती से नहीं कर सकता और शरीर की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी कमजोर हो जाती है।
इन सब cell को अपने ऊर्जा के लिए पौष्टिक तत्व चाहिए होते हैं ,जिसके लिए पौष्टिक भोजन खाने की सलाह दे जाती है ।
हमारे शरीर को रोजाना 46 प्रकार के पैष्टिक तत्व चाहिए होते हैं।
बहुत ही कम  लोंगों ही को इनके बारे पूरा पता होता है की हमें ये 46 पैष्टिक तत्व बिटामिन ,खनिज,प्रोटीन ,वसा , कारबोहाईड्रेट्स,फाइबर और पानी के रूप में मिलते हैं।ये सारे हमारे भोजन में रोजाना चाहिए और उचित मात्रा में भी ये भी हमें मालूम है की कितनी मात्रा मे ये सभी हमारे भोजन में शामिल हैं ।जबकि सच्चाई तो ये की हम अपने प्रतिदिन के भोजन में इन पौष्टिक तत्वों की जगह स्वाद को पसंद करते हैं ।
इन प्रदूषित भोजन ,पानी ,हवाऔर  पौष्टिक तत्वों की कमी के कारण ही 99% स्वास्थ की समस्याये होती है।
ये तो आप जानते है की प्रदूषित भोजन ,हवा और पानी पर हमारा तो कंट्रोल रहा ही नही बल्की government का भी कॉंट्रोल नहीं रहा है ।

अब आप ये भी जान ले की ये प्रदुषण -फ्री रेडिकल या ओक्सिदेंट्स जो हमारे भोजन ,पानी और हवा में जा रहा है ,ये हमारे cell को डिस्टर्ब करके उसी प्रकार नष्ट कर देते हैं जैसे जंग लोहे को।
जिस प्रकार लोहे को जंग से बचने की लिए पेंट  काम करता है ठीक उसी प्रकार इन फ्री रेडिकल ये ओक्सिदेंट्स को निष्प्रभावी करने के लिए प्रकृति ने अपने आप सिस्टम बना रखा है एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स के रूप में जो हमारे भोजन , हवा और पानी में मिलते हैं । ये एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट जितने ज्यादा हमारे भोजन में होंगे उतने ही कम  हमारे शरीर पर इन फ्री रेडिकल्स के असर होंगे ।
इसीलिए तो आपके डॉक्टर आपको भोजन में वेरायटी बढ़ाने के लिए कहते हैं।
आपके भोजन में जतनी  ज्यादा वेरायटी होगी आप उतने ही ज्यादा सक्षम होंगे इन फ्री रेडिकल्स से मुकाबला करने में यानी आपका शरीर पहलवान जैसा ताकतवर होगा जिससे उलझने में कोई भी पसंद नहीं करेगा।
आप न केवल  छोटी मोटी बीमारियों से बचे रहेंगे बल्कि बड़ी गंभीर बीमारियों से  सुरक्षित रहेंगे ।
अब बात आती है एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट की दैनिक मात्रा की।
आप जानते है की हमारे  दैनिक भोजन पानी हवा में एंटी ओक्सिडेंट्स होते ही हैं पर प्रदूषित होने के कारण एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स की मात्रा कम हो जाती है और साथ ही साथ जरुरत के एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स भी नहीं मिल पाते। इस प्रकार शरीर में फ्री रेडिकल की मात्रा ज्यादा यानी ताकतवर और उनको हराने वाले  एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स की मात्रा कम रहती है। जिसके कारण हम अक्सर बीमार पड़ते हैं ।
भोजन पानी हवा में शामिल  फ्री रेडिकल्स से हम  बच् नहीं सकते है । बस एक ही तरीका है  उचित मात्रा में एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स।
तो शामिल कीजिये अपने दैनिक भोजन में एंटी ओक्सिदेंट्स से भरपूर अनाज,सब्जिय्यां,फल,मेवे और रखिये स्वयं और अपने परिवार को स्वस्थ।

अगर मेरा ये लेख आपको पसंद आया तो जरूर अवगत कराएं।

आपका और आपके परिवार के सम्पूर्ण स्वास्थ की मंगलकामनाओं के साथ-
रविन्द्र भट्ट 

Oct 9, 2015

Health and Wealth works like our two legs| सेहत और दौलत दो पैरों के समान हैं ।

हर इंसान अपने दोनों पैरो 👢👢पर खड़ा होता है और चलता है।
काफी देर तक चल सकता है। कितनी देर तक यह उसकी शारीरिक और मानसिक ताकत पर डिपेंड करता है।
लेकिन एक या दोनों  पैर कमजोर हो
तो कितनी देर तक ?
इसी प्रकार व्यक्ति का जीवन भी दो चीजों पर खड़ा होता है -उसका तन- मन   और आर्थिक स्वास्थ।
अगर तन -मन और फिनेंशल स्वस्थता दोनों या कोई एक कमजोर हो तो क्या उस व्यक्ति का जीवन स्वस्थ और दीर्घायु होगा ?
जीवन के शुरुवाती पड़ाव में एजुकेशन  में अच्छे स्वास्थ और फाइनेंस के बारे में कोई प्रेक्टिकल ज्ञान नहीं मिलता।अगर मिलता तो आज इतनी बीमारिया नहीं होती और आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रता भी होती ।
ज्यादातर लोग स्वस्थ को नजरअंदाज कर रहे है अपने जॉब,बिजनैस के काम के दवाब के कारन और जब उम्र थोड़ी बढ़ जाती है तो हेल्थ की प्रोबम भी बढ़ चुकी होती हैं।
अब कमाए हुए धन को बीमारी के इलाज में लगाना मजबूरी हो जाती है।
ये बीमारी कोई रातों रात तो आयी नहीं थीं।
थोड़ा थोड़ा कर ही बीमारी बड़ी होती है।
तो क्या चीज थी बीमार करने वाली?

हमारा शरीर अरबों  cells से मिलकर बनता है। हर सेकंड करोड़ों cell बनती हैं करोड़ों cell मरती रहती हैं।
cell से tissue बनते हैं और कई tissues से  ऑर्गन यानी अंग बनते हैं।
ऑर्गन सिस्टम से हमारा शरीर बनता है।
आपका  स्वास्थ कैसा होगा यह निर्भर करता है की आपके सेल्स  की हेल्थ कैसी है।
cell बनाने के लिए चाहिए 46 प्रकार के पोस्टिक तत्व जिनको बीटामिन्स,खनिज, प्रोटीन , कार्बोहाईड्राट्स,वसा,फाईबर  और जल के नामों से जानते हैं।

ये सारे तत्व हमें भोजन ,पानी और हवा से मिलते हैं।
क्या ये तीनों चीजे शुद्व हैं?
ये अब सबको पता है की ये तीनो प्रदूषित हो चुकी हैं ।
ये प्रदूषित भोजन, पानी और हवा हमारी cell को डैमेज कर देती हैं और हमारा भोजन भी पोस्टिक तत्वों से परिपूर्ण नहीं होता है।
हमारा ध्यान भोजन के स्वाद पर होता है न की शरीर की जरुरत के पोस्टिक तत्वों पर।
तो अब हमारे cell जो डैमेज हैं  अपना काम नहीं कर पाते और tissue भी कमजोर और बीमार हो जाते हैं। नतीजा अंग भी पूरी तरीके से काम नहीं कर पाते और बीमार हो जाते है।
जिसको हम बीमारी का नाम देते हैं।
आज जो भी इलाज हो रहा है वह कारण का इलाज नहीं करता बल्कि और भी नयी बीमारी भी आ जाती है।

99% बीमारियां केवल 2 टाइप से होती हैं-

1- प्रदूषित भोजन ,हवा और पानी , जिस हमारा कोई कण्ट्रोल नहीं है।

2- पौष्टिक तत्वों की हमारे भोजन में कमी।

इन सब से बचा जा सकता है

प्रदूषित भोजन , हवा ,पानी से हम अपने cell को डैमेज होने से बचा सकते हैं।


जो भी प्रदुषण हमारे शरीर में जाता है उसे फ्री रेडिकल या ऑक्सीडेंट बोलते हैं। ये ऑक्सीडेंट ही तो बीमारी का कारन बनते हैं ।
प्रकृति ने इसका इलाज पहले ही निकल रखा है एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट के रूप में।

इसको इस प्रकार समझ सकते हैं जैसे लोहे की कोई चीज आपने घर के बाहर खुले में रख दी है तो उस पर जंग तो लगेगा ही। उसको जंग सइ बचाने का एक ही तरीका है -पेंट ।
पेंट लगाने से वो स्जिज जंग से बच जॉएगी।
उसी प्रकार हमरे शरीर को ऑक्सीडेंट से बचाने के लिए प्रकृति ने एंटी इक्सीडेंट्स दे रखे है हर प्रकार के फल, सब्जी, अनाज,
दालों , दूध या इनसे बानी चीजों में।
अगर हम पौष्टिक - बैलेंस भोजन लेते हैं तो cell को भरपूर एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट मिल जायेंगे और cell डैमेज होने  से बच जायेंगे। या जो डैमेज हो चूका है उसको रिपेयर करेगा।
हमारे भोजन में जितने ज्यादा एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट होंगे हम उतने ही ज्यादा निरोग व लंबी उम्र वाले होंगे।

पर यहाँ एक और समस्या आ जाती है-

जो भोजन हम डेली ले रहे हैं  उसमें इतने एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट तो है ही नहीं ,ऊपर से मिलावट।
जितने एंटी ओसिडेंट बॉडी को चाहिए उतने नहीं मिल पाते और cell को फुल पॉवर नहीं मिल पाती।
अगर हम अपने भोजन में एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट की मात्रा नहीं बड़ा सकते तो एक्स्ट्रा एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट तो दे सकते है।

ये एडिशनल या एक्स्ट्रा ऑक्सीडेंट मिलते हैं -
फ़ूड सप्प्लिमेंट्स  या हेल्थ सप्प्लिमेंट्स के रूप में।
इनको डेली अपने भोजन के रूप में लेने से शरीर को भरपूर पौष्टिक तत्व और एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट मिल जाते हैं।

इनको निरंतर लेने से
डेमेज्ड सेल की  मरम्मत होती है और tissue ,ऑर्गन भी  स्वस्थ हो जाते है।
अगर कोई बीमारी है तो इस प्रकार के सम्पूर्ण भोजन से बीमारी दूर हो जाती है और लगातार लेते रहने से कभी बीमारी नहीं  आएगी।

जो व्यक्ति स्वस्थ है और हमेशा स्वस्थ रहना चाहता है  या जो व्यक्ति बीमार है उसको  अपनी हेल्थ को ओके करने ले लिए एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट वाले फ़ूड सप्प्लिमेंट्स या हेल्थ सप्लीमेंट्स जरूर लेने  चाहिए।

स्वस्थ जीवन ही सुखी जीवन है।

हर इंसान की कामना भी है ।

आपके सम्पूर्ण स्वास्थ की मंगल कामनाओं के साथ आपका हितैषी

रविन्द्र भट्ट

Apr 27, 2015

How Free Radicals are Uncontrolled Elements in Our Body

What is a Free Radical Reaction?
A free radical reaction is a byproduct of your body's metabolism. Your body has to produce energy in order to carry out all of the necessary functions that are critical to its survival. You get the necessary components you need for this from the food you eat and the air you breathe. This process of converting food and oxygen into energy is called your metabolism.
During metabolism, some oxygen molecules escape and become highly unstable and reactive particles called free radicals. When these particles are allowed to roam freely and become too numerous, it causes oxidative stress, now considered one of the primary causes of aging and degenerative diseases.
Free radicals are essential for your survival — they perform many valuable functions in your body, including controlling your blood flow, fighting infections, even killing cancer cells. The goal is not to eliminate these highly reactive particles, but to keep them under control.
Stress increases free radical reaction. In addition to normal production by your metabolism, excessive free radicals are also caused by any one of a number of external stress factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
·         environmental toxins and pollution
·         emotional stress
·         strenuous exercise
·         chronic illnesses
·         processed foods and food additives
·         chronic inflammation
·         smoking
·         ultraviolet radiation from the sun
·         electromagnetic radiation
When you examine your body all the way down to the cellular level, you'll find atoms with electrons circling around a nucleus, or center. Healthy atoms always have electrons in pairs, each one holding either a positive or negative charge. A free radical is an unstable, highly-reactive atom or molecule with one or more unpaired electrons.
When one of these particles comes in contact with a stable atom, it will steal the electron it needs from the stable atom, or deposit its extra electron into the stable atom. An atom having an unpaired electron is highly reactive and can initiate a thousand chain reactions within seconds, unless the free radical reaction can be deactivated by restoring the electron pairings.
These particles don't particularly care about where they get their new partners, either. They'll oxidize just about anything that's available — damaging cell membranes and important enzymes, even your DNA. This process of cell oxidation happens more often than you could imagine — about 10,000 times every day for each of the trillions of cells in your body.
When this free radical reaction goes unchecked and damages enough cells in your body, you'll develop disease and accelerate the aging process.
What Do Free Radical Reactions Do Inside the Cell?
 The most common form of damage done by free radical reaction involves the oxidation of fatty compounds called lipids (chemists call fats and oils "lipids"). This is commonly refered to as lipid peroxidation. This process is similar to what happens when fatty foods like butter turn rancid.
Free radicals damage cell membranes. Lipids are a vital component of cell membranes, the outer shell of each and every cell. After many years of exposure to oxidative stress, your cell membranes lose their elasticity. They begin to have difficulty performing their usual functions, such as transferring nutrients and oxygen in and out of the cell, eliminating waste products and repairing DNA damage.
Free radicals damage your DNA. When free radicals penetrate into the nucleus(center) of a cell, they can also attack the genetic material (DNA) that the cell uses to reproduce itself. This is the first step in the formation of a cancer cell.

Cell mitochondria suffer — and you lose energy. Free radical reaction can also attack another component inside the cell called the mitochondria. This is where cellular energy is created. As damaged cells with low energy multiply, you end up with a body that is low on energy, tired all the time, and unable to fight off disease.

Water is Essence of Life

Water is truly essence of Life. 75% of our body is made of water. Water helps in proper digestion of the food. 

Drinking a lot of water makes sure that the upper and lower intestine absorb the nutrients properly. When we drink enough water, it help to maintain our body’s energy level.
Drinking water also helps in the detoxification of our body, flushing out the toxins, thereby preventing various diseases, keep skin healthy and beautiful.
Regular drinking of water helps in preventing problems like ulcers, arthritis, asthma, fatigue, morning sickness. Water helps in the regeneration of bones, skin, nails, hairs, damaged nerves as well as organ lining.  

Nutrition is incomplete without Water.

How Fiber is Cleaning department of our body

Fiber can be found in the food which has high fibrous contents. Fiber keeps  digestive system healthy and functioning  properly, aids and speeds up the excretion of waste and toxins from the body, preventing them from sitting in the intestine or bowel for too long which could cause  a build up and lead to several diseases.

 Fiber is found in fruits, Vegetables, leafy vegetables and whole grains.  

Fiber is a very important part of Nutrition Chain.

How Fat is Smartness of our body

Fats are very necessary in our diet. They are the concentrated source of energy and vital to our health. Fats help to absorb Vitamins. They also help in keeping our skin healthy and synthesis of hormones, act like a cushion for the body organs against any type of injury.

Role of fats: Fats are an essential part of our health as long as we do not consume too much fats in our diet. A total fat intake of not more than 30% of total calories or less is recommended. A diet too high in fats can lead to increase blood cholesterol level. That is a risk factor for heart disease. A high fat diet may also increase chances for developing some types of Cancer and Obesity.

Types of Fats:  Fats are of two types- Good Fats and Bad Fats.

1- Good Fats: Good Fats are essential for the body and do not have any harmful effects on the body. Such fats are also known as Non- Saturated Fats and found in Fruits, Vegetables, Milk and Eggs.
Few Non- Saturated Fats are-
*Fish   *Corn and Soya   *Sunflower Oil  *Rice Bran Oil  *Olive Oil  *Vegetable Oils               * Walnuts, Peanuts and Almonds.

2- Bad Fats: Also known as Saturated Fats: Bad fats are the type of Fats that can harm the body and lead to weight gain and heart diseases among other problems. Saturated fats mainly found in –
*Meat   *Pastry and cakes  *Cream  *Ghee  *Packaged food and commercially fried foods like French fries.

Without  Fats  our Nutrition is incomplete.

How Minerals are Builder and Regulator of Our Body?

Minerals make up about 4-5% of the body’s total weight. Although the amount is small but minerals play an important role in many functions in our body. Over 17 minerals are known  required for the body some in large amount and some in small amount.

7 major minerals we require-

*Phosphorous   *Sodium  * Calcium  *Chlorine  *Potassium  *magnesium  *Sulfur.

Some minerals are considered essential in human nutrition and they include iron –for blood and physical performance, Iodine, Cobalt, Chromium- for maintaining good fitness, blood sugar, cholesterol, Selenium, Copper, Fluorine, Manganese- important for immune system, Zinc- important for immune system and Molybdenum.

Minerals have two general functions- Building and regulating.
Their building functions  affects our bones, teeth and soft tissues.
Regulating functions includes a wide variety of systems such as beating of our heart, clotting of blood, maintaining nerve responses and transporting oxygen from lungs to the tissues.
Along proteins, carbos, fats, water and vitamins we must have minerals to build a strong and healthy Body.

Calcium is most active mineral.

Really without Minerals Nutrition  range is incomplete.

Apr 19, 2015

Why Vitamins are so important?

Vitamins and Minerals  make our body properly. They help in growth and development of both mind and body. They are present in all types of foods. There are various forms of Vitamins- Vitamin-A, B, C, D, E and K.
Vitamin A (Retinol): This vitamin plays an important role in keeping the skin healthy as well as improving the eyesight. Its deficiency can cause skin problems and troubled eyesight. Some of rich sources of V-A are milk, Eggs, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Apricoat and Spirulina.
Vitamin B: Bitamin B has various sub types-
B-1: B1 is known as Thiamine, is essential for energy building and digestion of carbos. Helps to establoze the heart and the muscles. Its deficiency can cause diseases – Beriberi and can cause emotional disturbances. Major sources are wheat, Brown Rice, Cabbage, Soyabeans, Pease.
B-2:- As known as Riboflavin, is essential for energy generation and formation of red blood cells. Helps body in the production of antibodies. During puberty, it helps to make sure that the development of the body occurs normally. Major sources are Milk and dairy products, Eggs, Vegetables, Soya beans, Mushrooms and Fish.
B-3: As known as Nicotinic & Niacin is essential to ensure the proper circulation of blood and the healthy functioning of nervous system. Helps in the generation of hormons like Ostrogens,  Progesterone  and Testosterone. Major sources are Meat, Fish, Prwans, Milk, Almonds, Green Vegetables, Yeast and Celery.
B-5:As known as Pnatothenic Acid helps to deal with stress and depression, low down cholesterol level, synthesis of hemoglobin. Fruits aare best sources of this type vitamins and also found in Eggs, Yeast, Poultry, Meat, Fish, Milk, Soya beans, Pea nuts, Mushrooms, Wheat germ and whole grain products.
B-6: Known as Pyridoxine  have more critical role in body processes  than any other nutrient. B6 is essential for cell growth, healthy brain and nervous system.B6 prevents Kidney and heart diseases. Major sources are chicken, liver, kidney, whole grains, nuts and  legumes.
B-12: Known as Cyano  Cobalamin ensure healthy nervous  and energy generation. It also prevents from Anemia. B12 found in liver, kidney, yoghurt, dairy products and fish. As we grow old its level starts to decline from the body and results in weak energy level and weak nervous system.
Vitamin C (ascorbic Acid): This vitamin is helpful for strengthening of muscles and gums. It also help to deals with various infections and healing wounds. Vitamin C mainly found in citrus fruits like Amla, Oranges, Guava, Lemon, Tomatoes, Cabbage. Deficiency of Vitamin C cause Scurvy. According to researches specially smokers are difficient in Vitamin C that is why they are prone to cancers.
Vitamin D (Calciferol): This vitamin is helpful in strengthening of teeth and bones. It is also helpful in the absorption of calcium by the body. Deficiency of V-D leads to fragile bones. Some of its sources are Eggs Yolk, Fish, Milk and dairy products.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol): V-E is very much essential for good skin and reproductive system.Dificiency of this vitamin is associated by neurological problems with nerve degeneration and poor skin . It is found in whole grains, wheat, Leafy green vegetables, dry fruits and oats.
Vitamin K (Phyloquinone): It helps in normal blood clotting and strong bones. Some of its sources are milk products , leafy green vegetables. Deficiency of Vitamin K may lead to Nose bleeding, Gum  bleeding and Osteoporosis.

No doubt, Vitamins are lifeline of Nutrition.

Proteins are The Building Blocks of Our Body

Proteins are fundamental basis for building the structural components of our body, from basic building block- cells, tissues to muscles and organs. We also need proteins to keep our immune system healthy, create hormones and much more. Proteins play critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in our cells and are required for the structure, function and regulation of the cells and tissues of our body. Proteins also help in balancing blood sugar and controlling the hunger. They also help in repairing of muscles.

Why Proteins are Important to us?
Proteins make up about 15% of the mass of average person. Protein molecules are essential to us in different ways. Much of the fabric of our body is made from protein molecules. Muscle, cartilage, ligaments, skin and hair etc. all are mainly protein materials. Apart from this major structural role that hold us together, smaller protein molecules play important role in keeping our body work properly. Hemoglobin, hormones such as insulin, antibodies and enzymes are all examples of these small kind of proteins.
Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called Amino Acids. Amino acids are the building block of Proteins. They are necessary for all the body functions. This is because all the chemical reactions taking place in the body involve the amino acids.
There are 2 types of Amino Acids:

1-Essential Amino Acids: Essential Amino Acids, 9 in numbers, are called essential because our body cannot produce them, we have eat such proteins that contains these amino acids.
 Essential Amino Acids includes-
*Histidine    *Isoleucine   *Leucine    *Lysine   * Methionine   *Phenylalanine *Threonine    *Tryptophan   * Valine.
2-Non-Essential Amino Acids: Non Essential Amino Acids,11 in numbers, are called non essential because we do not need to get them from diet. Our body produce them within the body, although are also important and our body requires them for various functions.
These are-
*Alanine    *Arginine   *Aspartic Acid   *Asparagine   *Cysteine   *Glutamic Acid *Glycine   *Proline   * Serine   * Tyrosine.

Requirement of Amino Acids: Every human being must consume enough essential Amino Acids every day. If not, it could lead to muscle loss and impairment in various internal processes. Unlike Fats and Carbos, our body does not store Amino Acids, therefore it needs a daily supply of essential Amino Acids to make new tissues and muscles.

Sources of Proteins: There are both vegetarian sources as well non- vegetarian sources of Proteins. Major vegetarian sources on Proteins are Milk and milk products, Pulses, Mushrooms. Major non vegetarian sources on Proteins are Chicken, Meat, Fish and Eggs.

Proteins are most important part of Nutrition.  

How Carbohydrates is called Energy Power House

What are Carbohydrates ?

Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body. They provide the fuel which the body needs for physical activities. Carbohydrates are sometimes called Carbs or Carbos.

Why Do We Need Carbohydrates?
We need carbohydrates because they give all the body cells the energy. For energy that our body requires, it takes the carbohydrates and turns them into Glucose. Glucose is carried in our blood to all cells and gives us energy. It powers every parts of our body. Glucose lets us run, jump, think, breath and more. Whatever we do , as long as we are using our body, we need the great power of Glucose….

Sources of Carbohydrates
We get carbohydrates from sugar, Fruits and vegetables, cereals, roots and tubers, all products made by cereals like- bread, pasta, noodles etc. Carbohydrates are found in two forms in the food we eat-

Good Carbohydrates: These are digested slowly. They do not cause a high rise in blood sugar level. They give energy over a longer period of time and are generally high in fiber. Foods rich in good carbohydrates are in their natural state. Some examples of Good Carbohydrates-

*Fruits   *Vegetables   *Beans   *Whole Grain Breads    *Whole Grain Cereals

Bad Carbohydrates: They cause immediate high rise in blood sugar level. Bad carbo foods are those that have been refined and processed. These foods are not in their natural state. Most of the nutritional value has been removed from these foods. They are not easily digested. If we eat to many bad carbos, we will most probably gin weight. Individuals who have a lifestyle of eating bad carbos are more at risk to develop diabetes, heart disease, obesity and more… Some examples of Bad Carbohydrates-

*Candies   * Pizzas and Burgers   * Cold drinks and Colas

Adding more of good carbos can improve our health. Deficiency of good carbos hamper our health and deficiency should be covered from natural food. If natural food source not available sufficiently, only than try to get it from some food supplements which are good source of Good carbos and energy.
Carbohydrates really are very important part of Nutrition.

How Diseases Born

Do you remember when you was sick last time? Never! Once! Twice or many times!! If never, it means you are very healthy, health conscious or simply very Lucky! And are you very sure about your good health for life long? If you fell sick once or more, probably you might have took medicine then why you fell again?

To find out actual answer of these questions, we have to travel into our body itself!

Our body is made up of bones, blood and flesh. But what makes these bones, blood and flesh?
Our body is made up of cells. Approximately 69 trillion to 100 trillion cells make up our body. Cells are made up of Proteins. So we can say that Cells are basic unite of body. Cells make certain type of Tissues and such Tissues makes certain Organ. Many Organs system makes a body.

Human Body have following Organ Systems- 
  1.  Digestive System.
  2.  Nervous System,
  3.  Cardiovascular System,
  4.   Urinary System
  5.  Skeletal System
  6.  Muscular  System
  7.  Endocrine System
  8.  Lymphatic System
  9.  Male Reproductive System
  10. Female Reproductive System

All these organs perform their function with the help of energy. Our body need following for energy to survive and function-
            1- Food,
2- Oxygen
3- Water
Are you sure about these three very essentials are pure or pollution free. Its not now shocking to listen, watch or know that our food, air and oxygen that we are taking everyday are not pure or pollution free. Only one type of people can have these in pure form, the person who is living in pollution free environment and growing edibles in pollution free environment without and chemical fertilizer. We know, pure air is found only in hills or mountains and everybody cannot live there neither can do farming there.
It means to have polluted food, water and air in become our helplessness. But what these polluted   food, water and air do with our body.
The pollution in our food, water and air contains free radicals or oxidants, which are very disturbing elements in our body and damages our cellular structure, then cells becomes damaged. Damaged cells cannot absorb nutrition fully and body gets lower nutrition, which results in lower energy and our organs function at lower efficiency.
Secondly, we do not take a balanced and healthy diet regularly.  We give preference of taste of food over healthy balance nutritional food. So our daily food contains excess of Salt, Sugar, fats, Calories, carbohydrates, even chemicals, but lacks deficient in Nutrition- Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Fiber and Water.
Such excess of unwanted elements and deficiency of essential nutrition results in Diseases. Such major Diseases are- Heart Disease, Asthma, Sugar, Gastric, Joint pain, Weakness, Paralysis and Blood Pressure-High / Low, fatness, Eye Problem etc. this imbalance is Mother of all Diseases.
Only having nutritional food is not enough, more important is,  to have Nutritional Food in enough quantity daily .
So, Consider   type  of food  and Nutrition in that food while having Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks.
Think about a person having healthy balance food and is sick or suffering from any disease!

Be Healthy, Live a Long Healthy Life !

Celebrate Life because This Life is One Time Opportunity!!   Is’nt  it? 

Why Nutrition is called Foundation of Health

Food contains various nutrition, which required on daily basis for proper functioning  of our body organs smoothly for our entire life. So it is very important to know these nutrition and the functions and effects on our body. Food provide Nutrition with -


Its very important to understand each type of nutrition so that reasons to take, functions, effects on our health can be understood. Without reason nothing is required. Lets visit all type of Nutrition one by one-


What are Carbohydrates ?
Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body. They provide the fuel which the body needs for physical activities. Carbohydrates are sometimes called Carbs or Carbos.
Why Do We Need Carbohydrates?
We need carbohydrates because they give all the body cells the energy. For energy that our body requires, it takes the carbohydrates and turns them into Glucose. Glucose is carried in our blood to all cells and gives us energy. It powers every parts of our body. Glucose lets us run, jump, think, breath and more. Whatever we do , as long as we are using our body, we need the great power of Glucose….
Sources of Carbohydrates
We get carbohydrates from sugar, Fruits and vegetables, cereals, roots and tubers, all products made by cereals like- bread, pasta, noodles etc. Carbohydrates are found in two forms in the food we eat-
Good Carbohydrates: These are digested slowly. They do not cause a high rise in blood sugar level. They give energy over a longer period of time and are generally high in fiber. Foods rich in good carbohydrates are in their natural state. Some examples of Good Carbohydrates-

*Fruits        *Vegetables       *Beans       *Whole Grain Breads        *Whole Grain Cereals

Bad Carbohydrates: They cause immediate high rise in blood sugar level. Bad carbo foods are those that have been refined and processed. These foods are not in their natural state. Most of the nutritional value has been removed from these foods. They are not easily digested. If we eat to many bad carbos, we will most probably gin weight. Individuals who have a lifestyle of eating bad carbos are more at risk to develop diabetes, heart disease, obesity and more… Some examples of Bad Carbohydrates-

*Candies         * Pizzas and Burgers        * Cold drinks and Colas

Adding more of good carbos can improve our health. Deficiency of good carbos hamper our health and deficiency should be covered from natural food. If natural food source not available sufficiently, only than try to get it from some food supplements which are good source of Good carbos and energy.
We can called Carbohydrates are Energy Power House.


Proteins are fundamental basis for building the structural components of our body, from basic building block- cells, tissues to muscles and organs. We also need proteins to keep our immune system healthy, create hormones and much more. Proteins play critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in our cells and are required for the structure, function and regulation of the cells and tissues of our body. Proteins also help in balancing blood sugar and controlling the hunger. They also help in repairing of muscles.
Why Proteins are Important to us?
Proteins make up about 15% of the mass of average person. Protein molecules are essential to us in different ways. Much of the fabric of our body is made from protein molecules. Muscle, cartilage, ligaments, skin and hair etc. all are mainly protein materials. Apart from this major structural role that hold us together, smaller protein molecules play important role in keeping our body work properly. Hemoglobin, hormones such as insulin, antibodies and enzymes are all examples of these small kind of proteins.
Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called Amino Acids. Amino acids are the building block of Proteins. They are necessary for all the body functions. This is because all the chemical reactions taking place in the body involve the amino acids.
There are 2 types of Amino Acids:
1-Essential Amino Acids: Essential Amino Acids, 9 in numbers, are called essential because our body cannot produce them, we have eat such proteins that contains these amino acids. Essential Amino Acids includes-

*Histidine        *Isoleucine      *Leucine        *Lysine      * Methionine       *Phenylalanine *Threonine      *Tryptophan    * Valine.

2-Non-Essential Amino Acids: Non Essential Amino Acids,11 in numbers, are called non essential because we do not need to get them from diet. Our body produce them within the body, although are also important and our body requires them for various functions.
These are-
*Alanine       *Arginine       *Aspartic Acid      *Asparagine     *Cysteine     *Glutamic Acid *Glycine       *Proline         * Serine                 * Tyrosine.

Requirement of Amino Acids: Every human being must consume enough essential Amino Acids every day. If not, it could lead to muscle loss and impairment in various internal processes. Unlike Fats and Carbos, our body does not store Amino Acids, therefore it needs a daily supply of essential Amino Acids to make new tissues and muscles.
Sources of Proteins: There are both vegetarian sources as well non- vegetarian sources of Proteins. Major vegetarian sources on Proteins are Milk and milk products, Pulses, Mushrooms. Major non vegetarian sources on Proteins are Chicken, Meat, Fish and Eggs.
Really Proteins are The Building Blocks of Our Body         


Vitamins and Minerals  make our body properly. They help in growth and development of both mind and body. They are present in all types of foods. There are various forms of Vitamins- Vitamin-A, B, C, D, E and K.
Vitamin A (Retinol): This vitamin plays an important role in keeping the skin healthy as well as improving the eyesight. Its deficiency can cause skin problems and troubled eyesight. Some of rich sources of V-A are milk, Eggs, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Apricoat and Spirulina.

Vitamin B: Bitamin B has various sub types- 

B-1: B1 is known as Thiamine, is essential for energy building and digestion of carbos. Helps to establoze the heart and the muscles. Its deficiency can cause diseases – Beriberi and can cause emotional disturbances. Major sources are wheat, Brown Rice, Cabbage, Soyabeans, Pease.
B-2:- As known as Riboflavin, is essential for energy generation and formation of red blood cells. Helps body in the production of antibodies. During puberty, it helps to make sure that the development of the body occurs normally. Major sources are Milk and dairy products, Eggs, Vegetables, Soya beans, Mushrooms and Fish.
B-3: As known as Nicotinic & Niacin is essential to ensure the proper circulation of blood and the healthy functioning of nervous system. Helps in the generation of hormons like Ostrogens,  Progesterone  and Testosterone. Major sources are Meat, Fish, Prwans, Milk, Almonds, Green Vegetables, Yeast and Celery.
B-5:As known as Pnatothenic Acid helps to deal with stress and depression, low down cholesterol level, synthesis of hemoglobin. Fruits aare best sources of this type vitamins and also found in Eggs, Yeast, Poultry, Meat, Fish, Milk, Soya beans, Pea nuts, Mushrooms, Wheat germ and whole grain products.
B-6: Known as Pyridoxine  have more critical role in body processes  than any other nutrient. B6 is essential for cell growth, healthy brain and nervous system.B6 prevents Kidney and heart diseases. Major sources are chicken, liver, kidney, whole grains, nuts and  legumes.
B-12: Known as Cyano  Cobalamin ensure healthy nervous  and energy generation. It also prevents from Anemia. B12 found in liver, kidney, yoghurt, dairy products and fish. As we grow old its level starts to decline from the body and results in weak energy level and weak nervous system.
Vitamin C (ascorbic Acid): This vitamin is helpful for strengthening of muscles and gums. It also help to deals with various infections and healing wounds. Vitamin C mainly found in citrus fruits like Amla, Oranges, Guava, Lemon, Tomatoes, Cabbage. Deficiency of Vitamin C cause Scurvy. According to researches spacially smokers are difficient in Vitamin C that is why they are prone to cancers.
Vitamin D (Calciferol): This vitamin is helpful in strengthening of teeth and bones. It is also helpful in the absorption of calcium by the body. Deficiency of V-D leads to fragile bones. Some of its sources are Eggs Yolk, Fish, Milk and dairy products.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol): V-E is very much essential for good skin and reproductive system.Dificiency of this vitamin is associated by neurological problems with nerve degeneration and poor skin . It is found in whole grains, wheat, Leafy green vegetables, dry fruits and oats.
Vitamin K (Phyloquinone): It helps in normal blood clotting and strong bones. Some of its sources are milk products , leafy green vegetables. Deficiency of Vitamin K may lead to Nose bleeding, Gum  bleeding and Osteoporosis.
No doubt, Vitamins are like Blood of Health


Minerals make up about 4-5% of the body’s total weight. Although the amount is small but minerals play an important role in many functions in our body. Over 17 minerals are known  required for the body some in large amount and some in small amount.
7 major minerals we require-
*Phosphorous       *Sodium      * Calcium    *Chlorine    *Potassium    *magnesium    *Sulfur.

Some minerals are considered essential in human nutrition and they include iron –for blood and physical performance, Iodine, Cobalt, Chromium- for maintaining good fitness, blood sugar, cholesterol, Selenium, Copper, Fluorine, Manganese- important for immune system, Zinc- important for immune system and Molybdenum.
Minerals have two general functions- Building and regulating. Their building functions affects our bones, teeth and soft tissues. Regulating functions includes a wide variety of systems such as beating of our heart, clotting of blood, maintaining nerve responses and transporting oxygen from lungs to the tissues. Along proteins, carbos, fats, water and vitamins we must have minerals to build a strong and healthy Body.
Really Minerals are Builder and Regulator of Our Body


Fats are very necessary in our diet. They are the concentrated source of energy and vital to our health. Fats help to absorb Vitamins. They also help in keeping our skin healthy and synthesis of hormones, act like a cushion for the body organs against any type of injury.
Role of fats: Fats are an essential part of our health as long as we do not consume too much fats in our diet. A total fat intake of not more than 30% of total calories or less is recommended. A diet too high in fats can lead to increase blood cholesterol level. That is a risk factor for heart disease. A high fat diet may also increase chances for developing some types of Cancer and Obesity.
Types of Fats:  Fats are of two types- Good Fats and Bad Fats.
1- Good Fats: Good Fats are essential for the body and do not have any harmful effects on the body. Such fats are also known as Non- Saturated Fats and found in Fruits, Vegetables, Milk and Eggs. Few Non- Saturated Fats are-
*Fish     *Corn and Soya    *Rice Bran Oil        *Sunflower Oil        *Olive Oil     *Vegetable Oils               * Walnuts, Peanuts and Almonds.
2- Bad Fats: Also known as Saturated Fats: Bad fats are the type of Fats that can harm the body and lead to weight gain and heart diseases among other problems. Saturated fats mainly found in –
*Meat     *Pastry and cakes    *Cream       *Ghee      *Packaged food and commercially fried foods like French fries.
Fats requirement of is smartness of our body.  


Fiber can be found in the food which has high fibrous contents. Fiber keeps  digestive system healthy and functioning  properly, aids and speeds up the excretion of waste and toxins from the body, preventing them from sitting in the intestine or bowel for too long which could cause  a build up and lead to several diseases. Fiber is found in fruits, Vegetables, leafy vegetables and whole grains. Fiber works likes a cleaning department in our body.


Water is truly essence of Life. 75% of our body is made of water. Water helps in proper digestion of the food. Drinking a lot of water makes sure that the upper and lower intestine absorb the nutrients properly. When we drink enough water, it help to maintain our body’s energy level.
Drinking water also helps in the detoxification of our body, flushing out the toxins, thereby preventing various diseases, keep skin healthy and beautiful. Regular drinking of water helps in preventing problems like ulcers, arthritis, asthma, fatigue, morning sickness. Water helps in the regeneration of bones, skin, nails, hairs, damaged nerves as well as organ lining.  

Apr 16, 2015

How Health is Partner of Real Wealth

Are we healthy?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health means complete physical, mental and social well being and not just absence of any disease.

The importance of being healthy is just like being wealthy. Only a healthy person can face the challenges of Life and live Life to the fullest. You can fulfill needs and secure of yourself, your family and your beloved only if you are healthy.
A needy of money or a poor can understand the importance of money for him and his family better than rich person and an ill person can understand the importance of good health better than a healthy person.
It’s not a hidden fact to be a healthy and wealthy but how to be a wealthy and healthy?

Health is like your Home where you live.

Its totally depends upon you how- to build, decorate, maintain and love your house. A pleasant house is made of all these factors and with people living therein, then it called Home. Similarly your health depends on your choice and wish for being healthy and activities to keep health in good condition.
But we see people, becoming serious about good health only after falling ill  or a serious disease found. Actually very few people are well aware and active for good health. These people are really wise, as they are tension free from bad health effects, happy and focus on the works  they do for income whether is it a job or business, save lot of money which could have spent on treatment of illness. They are also good performer in job or business, impressive and live long life.
As a car runs on fuel, our body also need nutrition as fuel. Food is the source of such nutrition and is the most important factor which determines our health. Since food  is the only source which provides nutrition to our body, eating it in proper way and amount is essential for healthy living.

Food contains various nutrition, which required on daily basis for proper functioning of our body organs smoothly for our entire life. So it is very important to know these nutrition and their functions and effects on our body. Food provide us Nutrition with -
·         Proteins
·         Vitamins
·         Minerals
·         Fats
·         Fiber
·         Water

Our body needs these all 7 essential nutrition in balance amount. These are found in vegetables, grains, water, air and in living things. However one type of food contains some nutrition but lacks others and its why we are advised to have variety of foods and need a balance diet so all nutrition can be provided to our body. A balance diet contains all 7 elements of nutrition in sufficient amount, lesser amount of any of these results in certain type of health issues or deficiency of such nutrition for long time converts normal health problem into critical illness and may end life. Sudden or disease caused death are perfect examples of carelessness and negligence of nutritional food and ignoring health massages of our body.

Hence, Nutrition is Foundation of Health.

Just like a car runs on fuel, but it is not 100% true! To run the car, fuel is major part of required conditions and air –oxygen is equally important because without oxygen fuel cant burn inside engine but still one more thing required -Fire!  To burn fuel in the engine sparking becomes major and important for fire. After sparking fuel burns and engine starts and converts fuel into mechanical and electrical energy and only then car runs !!
Does whole fuel burn and convert into energy?s Answer as we know is no, whole fuel  does not burn, unburnt fuel comes out in smoke form with gases and effects average speed of the car and thus increases maintenances costs. Similarly all nutrition we intake does not converts into energy.
What determine conversion of nutrition into energy?

Xeronine is the crucial element which is found in cells of all living things. Sufficient and regular supply of Xeronine let enter the nutrition into the cell.
Xeronine is an alkyd which is found in healthy cells of all living things. When we intake food, all available nutrition in that food carried by blood enters into cells. Cells have pores from where nutrition enters into cells and then convert into energy. Due to polluted food, water and air cells are getting damaged regularly and cells pores shrinks so all nutrition could not enter inside cell. Over period of time amount of xeronine decreases in the body and our food lacking xeronine. which results in lower quantity of nutrition inside cells and lower energy conversion and lower health. In absence of sufficient supply of xeronine, all nutrition does not absorbed in the cells. Xeronine increase the size of cell pores and all or maximum nutrition are obserbed by cells and provide full energy to the body. Xeronine founds in Pine apple. It also found in a fruit called Noni, 40 times more than in pine apple.
Another major catalyst- Coenzyme Q-10, (in short-Q10) found inside of cells. Over 95% energy in our body is produced with the help of Q10. Without Q10, absorbed nutrition by cells cannot converted into energy. It is a vitamin type substance but our body does not produce it, we have to take this from food. All type of food contains Q10 and for a healthy life we need at least 100 mg of Q10 daily but we could not get more than 30-40mg from the normal food. Its also very helpful for our high energy demanding organs- Heart, Liver and Kidney.
So when you are having food, think about required nutrition, available nutrition in that food, Xeronine and Q-10.

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